The YTF Young Talent Foundation Berlin is delighted to support a graduation short film at the HMS.
ISTINA (“Truth”) tells the story of a photo journalist no longer feeling safe in Serbia who flees with her young daughter to Germany to continue pursuing her vocation. However, she soon experiences threat in her new home…
After an 8-month pre-production schedule, the ISTINA core team Tamara Denić (Director), David M. Lorenz (Screenplay), Christian Siée (Creative Producer) and André Stahlmann (Director of Photography) have just finished filming in Belgrad and Hamburg. They were supported by a talented group of other HMS film students.
The YTF Berlin is very impressed by the outstanding talent of the whole ISTINA team. The great passion and sensitivity that this young team of filmmakers have shown with regards to a current and important subject such as the fight for freedom of the press and freedom of expression is simply remarkable

David M. Lorenz, Armin Schneider, Christian Siée, Tamara Denić und André Stahlmann.
Foto: Simon Nancekievill